Leadership Emergence and Style: Fidel Castro of Cuba


  • Albert Poliquen Mbiatem University of Dschang




leadership emergence, leadership style, cuba, fidel castro


This study examines Fidel Castro’s leadership emergence and style in Cuba with reference to the situation, goals sought, leadership process and the outcomes.  The emergence of Fidel Castro was underpinned by the qualities he exhibited and significant popular support he enjoyed from different strata of the society. Transforming a pre-revolutionary corrupt, oppressive and discriminatory system by creating equal opportunities for everyone was the main objective of Fidel Castro’s led revolution in Cuba. Despite some efforts toward societal transformation, Cubans were divided over the achievements of the revolution. While some expressed positive views about Fidel Castro’s initiated socialism, others described it as a source of frustration.  Findings reveal that the level of leadership effectiveness under Fidel Castro was largely attained through a variety of styles used to address different situations. The resilient abilities Fidel Castro shared with followers could enable socialist Cuba survive the Cold War and the post-Cold War eras.  

Author Biography

Albert Poliquen Mbiatem, University of Dschang

Albert Poliquen Mbiatem is currently a PhD student at the University of Dschang in Cameroon. He is an alumnus of the African Leadership Centre, King’s College London. Since February 2016, Albert Mbiatem has been involved in an African Leadership Centre’s book project focusing on Leadership and Peacebuilding. He is also involved in other research projects akin to Leadership, Peace, Security and Good Governance. Besides his academic and research engagements Albert Mbiatem is a civil society and political activist in Cameroon. Albert Mbiatem holds two masters degrees respectively in Security, Leadership and Society, and Political Science. Prior to that, He obtained a post-graduate diploma and bachelor’s degree all in Political Science.




How to Cite

Mbiatem, A. P. (2016). Leadership Emergence and Style: Fidel Castro of Cuba. Leadership and Developing Societies, 1(1), 59–82. https://doi.org/10.47697/lds.3434701