Information For Authors


Authors should use the following guidelines when preparing their manuscript for this journal.


To submit an article to the journal, please create an account using the Register tab on the left. After an account is created, you will be able to submit article online from your account.

Prior to submitting any article, please contact the Managing Editor Barney Walsh on email ( with an abstract of your article.


Research articles: research articles should be between 8000-9000 words and not inclusive of reference lists or bibliographies. In the instance that the article contains notes, the authors should try and keep them at a minimum.

Commentaries: these papers should be approximately 1500 words. They should focus on a contemporary theme or issue, incorporate a leadership analysis, and be policy relevant. Articles showcasing events and issues at the security-development nexus are preferred

Articles on the practice of leadership: these papers should be no longer than 3000 words. They should focus on leadership lessons from current events in the global arena.  Articles showcasing events and issues at the security-development nexus are preferred.


All articles submitted must be in English. The journal prefers that all articles make use of British spellings and grammar. Some examples of words that have both British and American spellings are:

Labour (UK) vs Labor (US)

Programme (UK) vs Program (US)

Centre (UK) vs Center (US) 

Please take note that the use of proper nouns and normal institutional titles, should be what is officially used i.e. World Health Organization, not World Health Organisation


Words or figures to represent large figures are welcome, (i.e. two million or 2,000,000), however, there must be consistency.  For smaller numbers, 1-10 they must be spelled out. Unless used in a table or as part of a dataset. 


Authors should use single quotation marks except in cases where a quote within another quote is being cited. Punctuation should come after the quotation mark, not preceding it.


Any articles using abbreviations should put into consideration those who may not be familiar with the topic or context being addressed. As such, each acronym should be spelt out with initial use, then placed in parenthesis besides it. Following that, any future reference may be the acronym itself.


Graphs and diagrams are welcome as part of articles and must be clearly presented. They should be labelled properly.

Limit the number of images used. These should only be used when essential to the paper and are not generally encouraged.


The ALC journal uses footnotes. These notes should be kept at a minimum and only when the information is essential. It is encouraged that footnotes be used as part of referencing.


The journal uses the ALC House referencing style. All articles must contain a full bibliography of all sources referred to in the paper.
See examples below on how to format:


Bond, Brian (1977), Liddell Hart: A Study of his Military Thought (London: Cassell)

Van Creveld, Martin (1989), Technology and War: From 2000 B.C. to the Present (New York: The Free Press)

Journal articles:

McGowan, Patrick J., (2003), African Military Coups detats, 1956-2001: Frequency, Trends and Distribution, The Journal of Modern African Studies 41(3), pp. 339-370

Organizational publications:

EU (2008), Report on the Implementation of the European Security Strategy “Providing Security in a Changing World.
Available at: 
[Accessed 26 June 2013].

NATO/CCMS (1997), Preliminary Report: NATO/CCMS Environmental and Security Conference, Center for Strategic Leadership, US Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Carlisle, PA.


Bratton, Michael and Robert Mattes (2000), Support for Democracy in Africa: Intrinsic or Instrumental? Afrobarometer Paper, no.1. Available at [accessed 17 March 2015].


The ALC journal uses footnoted references: in-text citations are not permitted. The first reference to a source should be given in full bibliographical detail. Subsequent references to that same source should be given in abbreviated form. For example:

First Reference:

Freedman, Lawrence (1989), The Evolution of Nuclear Strategy (London: St Martin’s Press)

Honig, Jan Willem and Both, Norbert (1997), Srebrenica: Record of a War Crime, (New York: Penguin)

Subsequent References:

Freedman (1989), p. 20

Honig and Both (1996), pp. 35-40

You should use Ibid if the reference is the same as the previous source.


All papers should be submitted as a Word Document.

Layout should be Left Indent: 1cm. Right Indent: 1.42cm. Spacing between lines should be 1.15.

Font should be Cambria (12 for main body, 14 for Title and Author name). Headings should be in bold, sub-headings should be in bold italics

Here is a Word Template with the above specification.


Any names and email addresses (personal details) submitted on the journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purpose of the journal and will not be made available to a third party.

The Journal of Leadership and Developing Societies (LDS) encourages all authors and reviewers to register for an ORCiD. ORCiD provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher. Besides ensuring your research always remains identified with you for citations and usage statistics, an authenticated ORCiD account allows you to sign on to journal agent with a single step and enables you to toggle between all journals in which you have registrations, as an author, reviewer and/or editor.

For more information about ORCiD, please visit their website: